
Employment of Staff According to Union Agreements (EN)

/Employment of Staff According to Union Agreements (EN)
Employment of Staff According to Union Agreements (EN) 2023-12-01T08:31:25+00:00

Employment of Staff According to Union Agreements


Chulalongkorn University acknowledges the importance of upholding employment terms according to labor union agreements, and it supports labor unions and union membersrights. In line with this belief, the university has set up the Faculty Council and Professional Network to offer help and to be a voice for staff. These steps demonstrate the universitys support for employment practice unions, one of the indicators of the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, which also support the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG No.8 on decent work and economic growth.

The Faculty Council, Chulalongkorn University

The Faculty Council represents Chulalongkorn University faculty members, who elect council members to be the voice of university staff in the academic field. It serves as a representative of all lecturers by providing good consultation and recommendations, and by collaborating with university executives and administrators, lecturers, students and other relevant agencies such as university clubs and the Association of Chulalongkorn University Alumni. This is to ensure there is a good understanding among all sides with a commitment to create benefits for the university as a whole. This can be beneficial for society and the country.


Please click here for more information: http://www.senate.chula.ac.th/wordpress/

Professional Network, Chulalongkorn University

The Professional Network was set up for Chulalongkorn University staff in professional fields. It consists of 18 networks as follows:

1. MiddleLevel Administration, Management Professionals
. Finance
. Accounting
. Supplies
. Budgeting and Planning
. Academic and Research
. MiddleLevel Administration, Academic Professionals
. International Affairs and Network Professionals
. Personnel
. Document Administration
. Building and Transport
. AudioVisual Education
. Information Technology
. Library Professionals
15. Public Relations
. Registration
. Student Affairs
. Organization Management



Although the Professional Network is not a representative of employees in the operational field in the way that the Faculty Council represents academics, it has similar duties. It has created a communication network between staff in operational fields so that they can exchange ideas and experiences at work faster and build a better understanding about policies, problems and solutions linked to their professional work. This helps to create a more inclusive working environment, in which help can be offered more effectively in many areas.


There is a professional union of employees which organizes an ongoing staff network development project. They arrange a number of activities such as a course on Techniques to Produce a Manual of Core Workon 2 March 2022 to enable trainers to draft a manual of their daily tasks that can be further expanded. There was also a course on Techniques to Create a Synthetic and Analytical Work and Research of Core Workon 3 March 2022. This is to enable trainees to be able to learn how to draft documents and develop skills beyond their regular daily routine so that in the future they can write their own projects. There was also a course on Principles for Systematic and Analytical Thinkingon 7 July 2022, with lectures and a workshop to teach participants to learn about problem-solving skills along with more efficient analytical and systematic thinking.


A meet and greet event was held at Chula Narumit house for Chulalongkorn International Staff to provide an opportunity for foreign faculty members and staff to get to know and to interact with one another to create a better coordination network, exchange ideas and share experiences. Executives were also present to answer any questions arising. The university has also built a data exchange management system known as the CU Adjunct system. This is a database which provides special lectures and foreign lecturers with any information they may require. 

The office of human resource management was open for further comments from the network to help improve its system in facilitating non-Thai faculty members and staff. This provided a useful avenue for the university to respond to their needs while working here.

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